Cardiovascular Health: From knowledge translation to application

November 5 & 6, 2015


In just a few decades, new technologies have emerged that can significantly change the way we manage cardiovascular health, whether this is prevention, management of risk factors, to promote healthy behavior or to better treat cardiovascular diseases.

On the initiative of the Faculty of Health and the Embassy of France in Canada, this symposium will gather international scientists that use new approaches to convey better management of chronic cardiovascular diseases.


  • "Omics" approaches
  • Biomarkers of cardiovascular health
  • Physical activity and cardiovascular health
  • New technologies and cardiovascular health
  • E-health and cardiovascular diseases

Scientific Sessions

  • Molecular markers of cardiovascular health
  • E-health and cardiovascular health
  • Physical activity intervention and cardiovascular health

Call for Abstracts

Undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and researchers are invited to submit abstracts.
Session 1: Molecular markers of cardiovascular health.

Abstracts related to novel strategies to identifying molecular markers or targets for the treatment or the prevention of chronic cardio-metabolic diseases will be considered.
This might include:
• “Omics” approaches and bioinformatics for the study of cardio-metabolic disease
• Biomarkers of cardiovascular health or diseases
• New models to study chronic cardio-metabolic diseases

Session 2: E-Health and cardiovascular health

Abstracts related to new technologies for cardiovascular health and the treatment and management of cardio-metabolic diseases at the level of the individual or the community will be considered.
This might include:
• Computing science for cardiovascular health
• E-health from knowledge translation to
• Community-based research using new technologies

Session 3: Physical activity intervention for cardiovascular health

Abstracts related to novel approaches and strategies to promote healthy behavior in particular an active lifestyle.
This might include:
• Monitoring physical activity
• Community-based research and physical activity
• New approach to promote physical activity in population at risk due to chronic diseases or conditions such as  obesity, diabetes, aging, cardiovascular disease.

There is opportunity for both oral and poster presentations. Please specify in your submission whether you would like to give an oral presentation or a talk.  Deadline October 1, 2015.

Please submit abstracts to

                                                       Sponsored by:       logo-consulat-3000 2

      Faculty of HealthMHRC

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